Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Livin' the Dream: Days 2 & 3

Yesterday (Tuesday) was my second full day of being a full time stay at home dog sitter. 

That lasted until mid morning.  I went for job interview number one.  I found it difficult to not be "myself".  If you know me, this can be a love / hate thing.  So, I just decided to be myself and if they choose to call me, they can.  I haven't been interviewed for a job in about 15 years so I felt a little under the spotlight, but they were very nice.  Whether they liked me or not, or found me to be a good fit, I still liked them and it also gave me an interview experience!  So nothing is lost even if they don't call me back.

I did pick up another fill in position on my way out of my shopping trip afterwards, so I'll go with that for increasing my success rate.  I guess that big box store really IS your one stop shop!

Amongst all of this two other employers contacted me with in a couple of hours, so I would say that yesterday was productive!

Today, Day 3,  is dedicated to incoming furguests for Wiggles and tomorrow is Thanksgiving.  BOY!!  Do I have a LOT to be thankful for!

I already hosted a "Fake Thanksgiving" last weekend since I knew I would have a lot of furguests around on the actual day.  We are STILL eating leftovers.  I'll probably make pigs in a blanket for Thanksgiving Day.  For some reason that just sounds like an appropriate meal for us.

Here's to a happy Thanksgiving to you all and a reminder to be thankful every day for everything you are blessed with. 

Life is what you make it. 


  1. Readers will probably want your recipe for pigs in a blanket.

    1. I didn't realize there was a recipe! Haha! Wrap canned croissants around weenies and bake them according to the directions for the croissants on the can. There ya have it!

    2. I didn't realize there was a recipe! Haha! Wrap canned croissants around weenies and bake them according to the directions for the croissants on the can. There ya have it!
